My services

Your Fertility Doula

As your fertility doula, we will meet so that I can learn your history and understand your goals and expectations in order to offer evidence-based information and suggest the best course of action to take towards making parenthood a reality for you. I will listen to your concerns and provide emotional support while educating you about the reproductive system, the menstrual cycle and fertility process.

Your Birth Doula

As your birth doula, I will support you throughout your pregnancy and during labor/delivery. I will be there for you physically, emotionally and mentally offering the guidance and peace of mind you need. I am also able to help develop your birth plan as well as advocate for your birth plan in a hospital setting. My goal as your birth doula is to prepare you and your family for pregnancy, labor/delivery and bringing baby home by providing the care, encouragement and information you need.

Your Postpartum doula

as your postpartum doula, this service includes supporting you and your family during and up to the first 3 months of Having baby home. I will offer newborn care information and tips, help with basic breast feeding, emotional comfort, assisting with small household chores, running quick errands and caring for baby while you rest or tend to other matters.

have it “your way” Doula

Full package not for you? no worries, check out my A la carte options to create the experience that works best for you!